
OOF!! - Out Of Focus

Body :
Nikon D300
Nikon D50

Lens :
Nikkor AF-S DX ED 18-55mm F3.5-5.6G
Nikkor AF 50mm F1.4
Nikkor AF 70-300mm F4-5.6G
Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 DG EX
Sigma 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC
Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 AT-X116 Pro DX

Flash Unit :
SB800 AF Speedlight

Remote Switch :
Nikon ML-L3 Wireless remote
Hahnel remote shutter release cord HRN280

Others :
Manfrotto 680 monopod
Manfrotto 190 CLB tripod w/o head
Kaiser Kugelgelenk 6017 head
Lowepro SlingShot 200 AW
Lowepro Rezo 190 AW
Cokin ND2 Grad filter
Cokin ND4 Grad filter


life learner! said... 1

Salaam & hi bro.

Would appreciate if you could share with me contact details of any friends in Malaysia, who do shoots like you guys.

Am getting married in November, & would prefer to pay photographers like you guys, rather than standard wedding photographers.


Out Of Focus said... 2

Hey bro..

Sorry man, but I don't know anyone who can do weddings in Malaysia. Kalo kat Brunei and Singapore adalah.. So sorry.

However, if any of the readers from Malaysia thinks he/she can do a good job, write here or at lovelorn's site and include a link please so that he could check out your photos.

Lovelorn.. I was a great admirer of your blog, tapi dah lama tak update kan?

I wish you all the best in your wedding man. Take care.

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