Photo by Out Of Focus | Title - The Far End - Vertorama
f9.0 | focal length : 11mm | ISO 100 | shutter speed : 1/160sec | flash : did not fire
| Description |
This is my final photo from the Amsterdam series I promise. That also means I need to find something else to post tomorrow.
There was a small mix up in this series.. The last post (yesterday's) was suppose to be the last post for the series.. if you know what I mean. That's alright, we live and learn.
I've posted some from the side, one from the front. This time its to view how far the buildings are apart from each other, separated by the canal.
| Photographer said.. |
I've been wondering lately...
There were a few guys from VA who went for a photo shoot with Mr Hans the other day, and then there were some who went for the BSRC outing. I'm just wondering what is it that you do when you have a session like this..
Do you get tips from some one? Does somebody tell you what to shoot or what angles to look for, what camera settings to use or when the best time to use what setting? Or is it basically just come over and we'll shoot what we'll see?
I'm wondering if you guys take something back from the session? Or is it just like any normal outing like if you go out with friends...
f9.0 | focal length : 11mm | ISO 100 | shutter speed : 1/160sec | flash : did not fire

This is my final photo from the Amsterdam series I promise. That also means I need to find something else to post tomorrow.
There was a small mix up in this series.. The last post (yesterday's) was suppose to be the last post for the series.. if you know what I mean. That's alright, we live and learn.
I've posted some from the side, one from the front. This time its to view how far the buildings are apart from each other, separated by the canal.
| Photographer said.. |
I've been wondering lately...
There were a few guys from VA who went for a photo shoot with Mr Hans the other day, and then there were some who went for the BSRC outing. I'm just wondering what is it that you do when you have a session like this..
Do you get tips from some one? Does somebody tell you what to shoot or what angles to look for, what camera settings to use or when the best time to use what setting? Or is it basically just come over and we'll shoot what we'll see?
I'm wondering if you guys take something back from the session? Or is it just like any normal outing like if you go out with friends...
woo...makin cool gmbr2 bro ah..hw i wish dpt gmbr tmpt2 a2..psl outing a2 bro..ku msa mula start wlaupun tau ckit2 theory nya pi ada jua xtra knwledge dpt lah..kira kna polish..iatah mesti nda malu btanya 2 bro rah yg lebih pro..mcm bro..ada chance ngajar??..hehe..
OOF, on the BSRC outing, it's a mixture of everything u mentioned: lepak, meet new friends and learn.
That's the thing see.. To me it sounds like a normal get together for a shoot out, not a session where one person teaches techniques.
When I first started, I ask people 'Hey! ur photos are great! Wat did u set on ur camera?' n they go 'set this to this to get that because of this' which is good. Little did I know that that is just part of it. The other part being the processing.
What about the guys from VA? What did you do besides trying out the fish eyed lens? Hehe!
aimNclick.. I can teach you what I know.. but you got to ask what you want. Aku ani bukan nya pandai sangat, mengajar org lagi inda pandai but I can try.
Thanks guys.
OOF same as what's kantalensa mention, all of us (VA) are quite new in photography, we just share what we are good at something on each other, so we hope to get a chances to meet some more pros like "OOF" esp on 'Photo Editing' and learn as much to be a better photographer.
So far...i havent really got the chance to go outing with the pros and d rest of the VA members. Just on the wedding far as i know its just like shoot what u see....But yes i agreed with OoF. If u dont ask u'll never know they will never tell. If not it would just be shoot what u see.
Me myself is still on the learning process, so far i got it by trying it out myself whether its techniques or camera settings. In terms of picture processing. So far OoF and Maman been a big help.
VM.. Yalah. It's difficult trying to improve when u can't find some one to look up to. That's why when pple ask me, I tell what I know.. Not that I know everything.
To me, even if I teach ppl my techniques, each person has their own style so the results will nvr be the same.
Just look at Maman's. He has done a damn good job on Vertoramas and I enjoy looking at his photos, maybe dapat curi idea sikit. Hehe!!
Maman.. I'm no pro, but I am willing to help what I can.
Well i do look up to you guys the ISO members. Especially you man, and maman too...theres a big difference with his pictures now... I do enjoy looking at them too.
I even thought of printing ur pictures guys :P kan ku gantung lam bilik.hahahah
uh-oh an idea for business :P
Hehe!! Thanks man. So Maman is almost there.. We'll get you there too. Aku sembunyi dulu dari si Maman til u catch up. Haha!!
Kalo kan jual, make sure aku ada commission ah.
Hahaha VM what are u talking about.. Your recent Vertorama proof your damn good now.. stitching 3 photos. I'm still using 2 man.. majal saja, be creative and just keep on practicing, that's what i do to be on TOP (wosehh!!! hahahaha belabih bunyinya!!).
OFF!! Awu eh 10% out of profit.. hahahah
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