Photo by Out Of Focus | Title - Who Says Romance Is Dead?
f2.8 | focal length : 11mm | ISO 100 | shutter speed : 1/80sec | flash : fired
| Description |
I was never good at doing wedding photos.. Too much stress, too little time, you can't really control your surroundings, and you can't expect them to pose they way you wanted them too.
I did this as a personal favour to my wife's uncle who did so much for me when I got married 5 years ago (can't believe it's been that long). Of course, this is not the uncle but his son. Hehe.. I'm not saying you're stupid, I'm just stating the obvious.
I salute to all those who is doing wedding photos. It's not as easy as it looks. Out of 500 over photos that I took, only a handful is appealing to me. I think I did more damage by accepting his offer to do the photos then declining...
Now you know partly why I've been missing the last few weeks.
f2.8 | focal length : 11mm | ISO 100 | shutter speed : 1/80sec | flash : fired

I was never good at doing wedding photos.. Too much stress, too little time, you can't really control your surroundings, and you can't expect them to pose they way you wanted them too.
I did this as a personal favour to my wife's uncle who did so much for me when I got married 5 years ago (can't believe it's been that long). Of course, this is not the uncle but his son. Hehe.. I'm not saying you're stupid, I'm just stating the obvious.
I salute to all those who is doing wedding photos. It's not as easy as it looks. Out of 500 over photos that I took, only a handful is appealing to me. I think I did more damage by accepting his offer to do the photos then declining...
Now you know partly why I've been missing the last few weeks.
Lurus..pkir sanang kan gambar org kawin ani..rupanya susah hantap..
owh..patut photo..ada lagi ni gmbar waiting~~ hehehe..
btw, lawa location nya..dimana tu??
andangnya tu bro, aku pun masih lagi belajar.. post banyak banyak lagi aku kan meliat
for wedding photo, kurangkan pakai wide lens saja.. inda sesuai untuk gambar urang, kalau beramai yes.. but sikit2 bulihlah untuk mencari kelainan..
don worry u did great job..
Wan.. Next photo? Hehe!! Lokasinya d Singapore. Hehe!! Napa? Kan buat post wedding photo sini jua?
DF. Yatah yg indaku pandaitu kalo pakai wide lens. Macam bida usulnya when I use normal lens. Ko bulihlah sebab ko handal editing. Hehe!!
Apakah pendapat yg lain pasal using wide lens on weddings?
aku baru kan cuba pakai wide lens ni a...alum ku tau result nya..but, mesti cantik punya...
visit :
some photo ada pakai wide..cBoonz tu punya blog in a group..hehehe
bro, bah, post next photo...Hehehhe
for me, gmbar ani cantik udah..ada cerita disebalik gambar...hehehe
bowh...aku salah pakai blog..Hahahha
Ngam tu bro.....out of hundereds a handfull nganya yg dpt d process.
but would love to c ur next wedding post g. ehehehe.....ku end of this month g a wedding to cover. ntah mcm mana kah result nya nie.
Kan try out my equipment baru jua taus.....eheheheh.
wide lens ok aper...providing backgroundnya ngam like this one and of course u dont really care about bokeh background...salute!!!
Bejinak2 udh ni kn wedding!!! hehehe.. nice nice~~ good job bro...
oXp. U mean to say better without the bokeh?
Bepakan. Jinak2 tia karang!! Hehe!! Favour saja dulu.. maybe udah ku handal main flash barutah..
true aku buruk kai flash jua..hehehe
hi all...hi bros.salam kepada yg islam...hallo kepada yg bukan islam
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