Photo by Out Of Focus | Title - The Protector
f2.8 | focal length : 11mm | ISO 100 | shutter speed : 1/80sec | flash : not fired
| Description |
One of the differences between Bruneian and Singaporean weddings is the 'Silat Performance' to the wedding couple who are deemed as royalty for the day and is usually done when they arrive at the groom's house. Such a performance is meant to be graceful and has to be done with great respect and etiquette.
f2.8 | focal length : 11mm | ISO 100 | shutter speed : 1/80sec | flash : not fired

One of the differences between Bruneian and Singaporean weddings is the 'Silat Performance' to the wedding couple who are deemed as royalty for the day and is usually done when they arrive at the groom's house. Such a performance is meant to be graceful and has to be done with great respect and etiquette.
WAHHHH!!! angle ani tah yang ku cari selama ani...msalah nya..sampitt...Hehehe...
Nice Job Bro, Suruh pengantin Toleh kebelakag bro..
Nda dpt pandang belakang bro... Kalo liat belakang then they wudnt be respecting the performer.
Thanks for the info. Hehe!!
ehehehe...lain pesen nya pendekar tu bro.....
Baru ku tau tu eyh sal ia punya rules tu.....good thing u mention it.
mksd ku atu tuan..tunggu tym nada acara kung fu atu..tym org sibuk2 mengambar diDapan kh, bro kebelakang..and suruh toleh for 5sec kh saja..hehehe..
safre : pelakun Ip Man jua tu..
c wan just gave me an idea for my next assignment ehhe :P..hopefully it would turn out ok eheh..
wondering how the wedding scene in singapore would look & feel like ehe..
The big differences between Bruneian and Singaporean weddings is 'cara melayu'... kalau di Brunei nya kitani 'Ada Majlis'eemm melayu 'M.I.B'lah tu katakan,so mesti pakai cara melayu, nada cara melayu 'Nada Majlis' nya urang tua, pasal atu kitani mun pengilan urang kawin membari galat kan berpakaian bebas.. i think "MAYBE" tradisional melayu masih kuat kalau dibandingkan ngan Malaysia ataupun Singapore.. kalau silat atu, bukan nada di brunei.. nganya kurang...yg banyak 'Pusing Naga' which is Singapore/Malaysia nada
Wan.. Hehe!! Ok ok ok... Jgn lah marah dahling...
s167.. Tepaksa kami minta commission tu ambil idea.. Hehe!! Wedding scene in Singapore is lagi meriah, however like DF said, because of inda ramai org pakai cara melayu, it's different then d Brunei.
DF.. I didn't say it was a BIG difference, I just said it was a difference, meaning almost every malay wedding sini ada silat whereas in Brunei its almost never.
It's true what u said about cara melayu though.. I would say maybe 10 out of a thousand invites here saja yg pakai cara melayu.
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